Antique Furniture Styles

Magnificent Georgian Antique Large Period Oak Country Lancashire Chest

Antique Country Furniture

Antique Country Furniture is what the antiques trade usually calls pieces of early English antique oak, Pine and Elm, basically locally available timbers in Britain. These antiques were made traditionally,…
Antique Sutherland Tables

Antique Sutherland Tables

Antique Sutherland Tables are a 19th Century Victorian invention of a much smaller gateleg table design with a particularly narrow centre. Antique Sutherland tables are the ideal serving table as…
Antique Washstands

Antique Washstands

Antique washstands were designed to hold a Jug and basin set, to either sit on top of the furniture or sometimes was fitted into the washstand top. Antique washstands were…
Antique Dressing Tables

Antique Dressing Tables

Antique Dressing Tables, also known as ‘Vanity Table’ evolved from the washstand. In the mid 18th Century the antique washstand became a piece of free standing furniture made of Mahogany.…
Striking Figured Walnut Victorian Inlaid Antique Centre / Side Table

Antique Inlaid Furniture

Antique Inlay on furniture can come in many different forms from floral, animal to marquetry or parquetry. These inlays were mainly done on some of the finest pieces of antique…
Unusual Chinese Import Padauk Antique Secretaire Campaign Chest

Antique Campaign Chests

Antique Campaign Chests also known as an Antique Military Chest was introduced in the late 18th Century during the Napoleonic wars. These classic chests were built by cabinet makers to…
Stunning Antique French Upholstered Walnut Armchair

Antique Armchairs

Antique Armchairs come in the form of carver arm chair to a more comfortable upholstered wing Chair. They originally would have been stuffed with anything from wool to straw to…
Antique Console Tables

Antique Console Tables

The Antique Console Table originally only had two front legs and was permanently attached to the wall. These magnificent tables were used to decorate the hall or a formal reception…
Spectacular Heals Style Art Deco Oak Antique Dining Set

Art Deco Furniture

Art Deco Furniture is dating from the 1920s to the 1930s usually built in finely figured Walnut, Oak and other exotic woods like zebra-wood. The Art Deco design was first…
Antique Lowboy

Antique Lowboy

The antique Lowboy was an 18th century piece of period furniture originally used as a dressing table but now used as a good country side table. The antique Lowboy originally…
Antique Whatnot

What is an Antique Whatnot?

The antique whatnot stand was intended to display a variety of objects, ornaments, curiosities, books and papers. They are usually in very nice serpentine or simpler rectangular shapes, with three…
Antique Wellington Chest

Antique Wellington Chest

The Antique Wellington Chest was named after the famous Duke of Wellingtons victory of 1815. Antique wellington Chests are tall and narrow chests, usually with seven working drawers, one for…
Art Deco Antique Solid Oak Swivel Desk Chair

Antique Desk Chairs

Antique desk chairs (office chairs) can come in many different forms from the carver design to the later swivel chair. They were first seen in the 18th Century Georgian period…
Antique Music Cabinet

Antique Music Cabinet

The antique music cabinet was originally made to store sheet music when home entertainment involved playing music and using instruments such as the violin or piano. They are lovely pieces…