Antique Bridge Tables were designed from the early 18th Century Georgian period on-wards for the card game Bridge. Bridge was most popular in the Victorian and Edwardian periods and was used with sets of cards with artists painting comical pictures on the back. These card sets can be very collectable and sought after now. The game of Bridge can be traced back to the early 16th century, originally called Whist in Britain, it was a big part of entertainment and gambling. Antique games tables were made especially for playing the game of Bridge and as these pieces were made to impress. No expense was spared in their construction as guests would see and use them, so having a high quality games table on display would be a choice piece of furniture showing your wealth. Here at antiques world, we get some beautiful antique bridge tables for sale, in Mahogany, Rosewood and Oak woods. The best will usually have inlay from fine boxwood to more expensive brass and decorative feet. The interiors will be in a green or red baize and the best examples will have counter wells in the corners. Have a look below at some of the stunning games tables we have for sale below.
Antique Bridge Tables For Sale
Elegant Antique Regency Rosewood Games Table£1,450.00
Stunning Antique Victorian Games Table / Card Table£1,450.00
Unusual George III Antique Games Table£975.00
Stunning Victorian Antique Oak Games Table£975.00
Spectacular 19th Century Mahogany Antique Tea Table£895.00
Fine 19th Century Mahogany Antique Patience Table£795.00
Quality Edwardian Mahogany Antiques Games Table£795.00
Stunning Antique Victorian Rosewood Card Table£795.00
Stunning Antique Edwardian Card Table / Side Table£695.00
Superb Quality Antique Georgian Games Table / Tea Table £0.00
Spectacular Victorian Antique Walnut Games Table£0.00
Stunning Victorian Mahogany Antique Games Table£0.00
Rare 18th Century Dutch Marquetry inlaid Antique Games Table.£0.00
Spectacular William IV Rosewood Antique Card Table£0.00
Fine Quality Figured Mahogany Antique William IV Games Table£0.00
High Quality Victorian Mahogany Antique Chess Table / Drafts Table£0.00
Quality Mahogany Antique Regency Games Table£0.00
High Quality Edwardian Inlaid Antique Card Table£0.00
Styles of Antique Bridge Tables
Some previous examples we have sold include Victorian Walnut Antique Envelope Bridge Table. The envelope top swivels open and unfolds to reveal a green baize square playing surface. Below this can be found a central oak lined drawer with original decorative handle. The table stands on four beautifully turned legs with moulded cross stretcher, for added stability, and with central carved motif.

This is a Georgian Mahogany ‘D’ End Antique Bridge Table. The table has a relatively deep apron displaying boxwood string inlay providing it with a rather refined look.

This Regency Brass Inlaid Rosewood Antique Bridge Table stands on a square tapered pedestal with a quadriform base and four splayed legs finished with intricate brass castors.This antique games table would make the ideal side table when not in use, the perfect home for a lamp!